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aMule 2.3.1 RC2

aMule是一个开源免费的P2P文件共享软件,遵循GNU通用公共许可证协议发布。基于xMule和lMule。支持eD2k(eDonkey 2000 network – 电驴网络),也支持KAD网络。可在包括各种类Unix系统、Windows在内的多种操作系统下运行。aMule名称含义为Another eMule P2P Client 或 All-Platform’ p2p client based on eMule,可视作跨平台版的eMule(电骡),由非商业开源组织aMule Project [1]开发维护。上一次正式版更新还要追溯到2009年9月16日的aMule 2.2.6,本月发布了新版2.3.1的第二个候选版本。

完整的 aMule 有以下组件:


aMule 2.3.1 RC2 for MacOSX [2]

aMule 2.3.1 RC2 for Windows [3]

aMule 2.3.1 RC2 源代码 [4]

这是一个候选版本,有任何问题可以到aMule官方论坛反馈 [5]

http://www.amule.org/ [1]
http://sourceforge.net/projects/amule/ [6]


aMule 2.3.1 RC2 [7]

Here you go, a new release candidate for aMule 2.3.1.

This should be the last release candidate before the final version, which is to be released in October. Of this year, if possible. So, feel free to compile and test – we may provide MacOS X and Windows binaries soon in case someone wants to test on those platforms without compiling.

Always use the latest wxWidgets (2.8.12 or higher).

Here are the sources: http://sourceforge.net/projects/amule/files/aMule/2.3.1rc2/aMule-2.3.1rc2.tar.bz2/download

EDIT: Added MacOSX test build, for 10.5+, ppc or x86. Download here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/amule/files/aMule/2.3.1rc2/aMule-2.3.1rc2-MacOSX-10.5%2B-Universal-wxSVN-cocoa.zip/download

EDIT (Stu): Added Windows binaries: https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/amule/aMule2.3.1-RC2.zip
