在“天使骡”的拥趸们苦等了几个月之后,eMule Xtreme系的著名mod,“天使骡”的最新版本 eMule 0.49c ScarAngel_v3.2 终于发布了。作者stulle在emule官方论坛发布了这一消息:http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=103882 [1]
eMule 0.49c ScarAngel v3.2 下载 [2]
上面的压缩包中附带了当前最新的官方DLP库v39 [3]、IPFilter v138 剔除误杀版 [4]、安全eD2k服务器列表2009-10-24 [5]、Ip-to-Country eMule-Fans中文简称版 [6]、简繁体中文完全语言文件 [7]等。打包日期:2009年11月21日。
ScarAngel 3.2 简体中文完全语言包 [8](via [7])
ScarAngel 3.2 繁体中文完全语系档 [9](via [7])
http://sourceforge.net/projects/scarangel/ [11]
http://scarangel.sourceforge.net/ [12]
http://www.emule-mods.de/?mods=ScarAngel [13]
帮助 | eMule官方 [14] | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 [15] | eMule-Mods.de [16] | 插件主页 [17] | |
程序包 | |
eMule0.49c-ScarAngel_v3.2-bin.rar [18] 查源 [19] | 3.72MB |
源代码 | |
eMule0.49c-ScarAngel_v3.2-src.rar [20] 查源 [21] | 7.92MB |
[?]: [?]:, | 11.64MB 2个文件 |
Dear customers,
I am happy to present you a new version of eMule ScarAngel. This version focusses on upgrading to a new base, improving and fixing exisiting code. Most notable are of course the improvments in ASFU and the Design settings. Thus will you now be able to make a certain styles font both bold and italic or even bold, italic and underlined.
Further improvements have been made for those who like to have fancy upload feedbacks. They will now be able to personalize these settings all by themselves.
We would further like to inform you that this is supposed to be an intermediate release so you will not just experience the new god-like attitude of this scared angel but also to give us valuable feedback regarding possible bugs. Due to a massive lack of time will this angel outrun a certain diabolic creature for a uncertain, yet hopefully short, time. We would like to inform you that, however, any questions regarding that demon called Mephisto will result in instant death by lightning.
So stay tuned for further news and be prepared for a new sensational release of this mod in some weeks (hopefully).
eMule ScarAngel基于Xtreme,继承了Xtreme的所有特性,并加入了MorphXT mod的强力共享、增强的分类管理、传播条等更适合分享、文件发布的功能特性。较适合小水管adsl用户使用,文件发布者使用。
eMule v0.49c ScarAngel v3.2:
– 17.09.2009 –
based on eMule 0.49c Xtreme 7.2 compiled with vs2005 SP1
Merged to eMule v0.49c [Stulle]
Updated with code from zz_fly’s XtremeAdded: Static Tray Icon [MorphXT] – MyTh88
Added: (Design Settings) Shareable file style for SharedFilesCtrl [Stulle] – Stulle
Added: Feedback personalization [Stulle] – Stulle
Added: Advanced option to disable/enable MediaDet usage for media files [Stulle] – Stulle
Added: Display friendslot in UploadListCtrl (Status colum) [Stulle] – Stulle
Added: More media info related hidden options [Stulle] – StulleChanged: Updated ASFU to v3.4 to work with single shared files [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Updated Design Settings for new code (also improves implementation) [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Always wait 5 sec after sending save req before saving file settings [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Write FileSettings.ini sequentially (faster) [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Global SysInfo RAM stats will support usage of more than 4GB [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Min small files push size to 1 kB [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Small files push size slider kB based (makes keyboard input usable) [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: (Design Settings) Allow to use multiple font styles (B/U/I) at once [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: (Design Settings) Changed version to v3 for above change [Stulle] – Stulle
+ import of v2 is done automatically on startup
Changed: Localize ScarAngel string in Preferences panel list [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Updated Enhanced Client Recognition to v2 (minor change) [Spike2/WiZaRd] – StulleFixed: Save known or FileSettings threads were not terminated properly [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Some glitches around Timer for ReAsk File Sources [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Changing the small files push size reset changes in the Tree options [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Some glitches around enabling/disabling the Speedbars in the toolbar [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Don’t reset Connection Settings for Webserver/CML/MM [Stulle] – StulleRemoved: Color Upload Feedback [MyTh88]- MyTh88
Feedback personalization:
+ integrated into Design Settings
+ allows you to change font style and color of the feedback
+ Label style will be applied to the whole feedback block
+ Default style will be applied if color is default and no font style is set