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eMule 0.50a Tombstone Xtended v1.0

eMule官方论坛 [1]的modder tHeWiZaRdOfDoS又发布了一个新的mod,基于eMule 0.50a Tombstone v2.1 [2]开发的eMule 0.50a Tombstone Xtended v1.0 ,又一个mod的mod(为什么要说又呢 🙂 ),顾名思义,是作者对原版mod的一个功能扩展版,在原版增加了客户分析反吸血以及完整文件块传输等功能的基础上,针对资源发布者的需求增加了一些发布增强功能诸如PowerShare(强力共享), SlotFocus(集中上传) 和 SessionRatio等,此外还第一个加入了scam warning。

emule官方论坛发布贴:http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=149410 [1]

帮助 | eMule官方 [3] | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 [4] | eMule-Mods.de [5] | 插件主页 [6]
eMule.v0.50a-Tombstone.Xtended.v1.0.7z [7] 查源 [8] 1.91MB
源代码对比包(给开发人员) (注意仅包含与官方v0.50a版本的不同对比 – 非完整源代码!)
eMule.v0.50a-Tombstone.Xtended.v1.0_DiFF_SRC.7z [9] 查源 [10] 740.53KB
eMule.v0.50a-Tombstone.Xtended.v1.0_SRC.7z [11] 查源 [12] 2.51MB
[?]: [?]:, 5.15MB


Tombstone Xtended is based upon Tombstone v2.1 (based upon eMule v0.50a including all important updates/fixes that version offers).
This version includes the ClientAnalyzer 1.5, VQB fullchunk system and modstring support but also offers some releaser features (PowerShare, SlotFocus and a SessionRatio) as well as the first mod ever a built-in ScamWarning link.

That’s the perfect version to check out or to base your mod upon if you want to use the CA and/or want to release.
I want to thank all testers and as always eMuleFuture.eu for its support.
Below is the changelog for your reference

Have fun and stay clean!

Tombstone Xtended v1.0 (基于Tombstone v2.1)更新日志:

+ 1:3 Sessionratio
+ Scam warning
+ PowerShare
+ SlotFocus