- eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 - https://www.emulefans.com -

eMule v0.50a Zzul-Tra v1.1

eMule Zzul是著名的eMule mod,并自成一派,有很多基于zzul的mod存在,不过作者zz已经一年多没有更新,最后版本是eMule 0.49c ZZUL 20090222-2320 [1]。最近比较活跃的modder morph4u昨天发布了一个新mod,eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.1,将zzul的代码更新到0.50a,并添加了一些新功能。eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.1官方论坛发布帖:http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=151121 [2]


eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.1
帮助 | eMule官方 [3] | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 [4] | eMule-Mods.de [5] | 插件主页 [6]
eMule0.50a.ZZUL-TRA_1.1_Bin.rar [7] 查源 [8] 1.83MB
eMule0.50a.ZZUL-TRA_1.1_Src.compile.ready_emule_vc71-all.sln.rar [9] 查源 [10] 33.31MB
[?]: [?]:, 35.14MB


eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.1


Based on eMule 0.49c ZZUL 20090222_2320 [zz]

Change: Upgraded from 0.49c ZZUL to 0.50a and added full ZZUL code to ZZUL-TRA
Add: CreditSystemType (Fine CS) [CB Mod]
Add: Friend Management [CB Mod]
Add: PaybackFirst [AndCycle/SiRoB/Stulle/JvA]
Add: SuperiorClientHandling [Stulle/JvA]
Add: SafePrefsettings [???/NeoMule/JvA]
Add: Friend/Friendslot/PaybackFirst colors
Add: Show Total UP/DOWN [eF-Mod/JvA]
Fix: Sort Powershare in sharedfileswnd [MorphXT]

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.0


Add: Easy ModVersion [WiZaRd]
Add: Show ModVersion [WiZaRd]
Add: Same ModVersion Detection [WiZaRd]
Add: Speed Graph Window [dolphinx]
Add: GDI Plus UI [dolphinx]
Change: Default User-Nick


Official eMule 0.50a client with parts of ZZ upload/slotfocus and powershare !


Beta ? Basis for other mods ? don’t know. maybe only a experiment 😉

Removed: Many unused codes
Add: Slotfocus switchable (default enabled)
Add: Color for downloading files, partfiles and powershare
Add: “open incoming dir” to toolbar [WiZaRd]
Add: “open incoming dir” to Win7 thumbbuttons list [WiZaRd]
Change: Replaced XMessageBox with version of X-Mod [dolphinx]
Change: icons, gui

compiled with vs2003sp1 and newest libs

Have fun…