The eMule Protocol Specification, by: Yoram Kulbak and Danny Bickson:
The eMule Protocol Specification [1]
《eMule协议说明书》 – The eMule Protocol Specification中文翻译(译者:不明):
eMule协议说明书 [2]
《eMule协议规范》 – The eMule Protocol Specification中文翻译(译者:刘刚):
eMule协议规范 [3]
《eMule协议指南》 – The eMule Protocol Specification中文翻译(译者:flakever):
eMule协议指南 [4]
Petar Maymounkov and David Mazières. Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system based on the XOR metric. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS ’02), pages 53-65, March 2002. paper.:
Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system [5]
Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system (Demo) [6]
《Kademlia协议原理简介》 – 论文的中文翻译(译者:MMX):
Kademlia协议原理简介 [7]
《eMule Kad 网络分析》(协议手册)(文档编写:kernel、huby):
eMule Kad 网络分析 [8]
有关 Petar Maymounkov 与 David Mazières 的论文:Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system based on the XOR metric,还可以参见这里的介绍:
https://www.emulefans.com/kademlia/ [9]
A performance evaluation of the Kad-protocol, (Master Thesis) by: René Brunner:
A performance evaluation of the Kad-protocol [10]
Structures and Algorithms for Peer to Peer Cooperation, by: Moritz-Steiner:
Structures and Algorithms for P2P Cooperation [11]