eMule Plus於2009年4月18日更新至1.2e版
eMule Plus 1.2e 下載
eMule Plus 1.2e 下載
eMule Plus和eMule一樣,是一款開源的eD2k協議共享軟體。用戶界面與eMule相似。免費開源,遵循General Public License (GPL)協議發布。感謝這些人的貢獻:
Aw3, DonGato, Eklmn, kuchin, KuSh;
BavarianSnail, bond006, Cax2, DropF, DrSiRiUs, EC, FoRcHa, katsyonak, morphis, SyruS, Lord KiRon, moosetea, morevit, netwolf, obaldin, Purity, reCDVst, TwoBottleMod, zegzav;
- 不支持Kad網路;(編者註:因此一般暫不建議使用)
- 不支持模糊協議;
- 增進的了GUI
- 上傳支持(如:快速啟動,文件段傳輸);
- 自動欺詐檢查;
- 國家地區旗幟與統計;
- 小型上傳下載率:
- 自動下載列表;
- Lancast;
- 可配置快捷鍵。
另外,一個叫eMule Plus的叫做eMule++的軟體是利用原有eMule Plus代碼製作的新款。我們不推薦使用eMule++。因為eMule++沒有遵循GPL,並可能帶有不良軟體,所以不建議使用。
FEATURE: identity thief countermeasures {Fuxie – DK/muleteer/Bro-DK} [Aw3]
FEATURE: IP filter optimization: faster loading while consuming less resources [Aw3]
FEATURE: multipacket encoding support [eklmn/Aw3]
FEATURE: search by file, hash, country and client software in source lists on transfer page [Aw3]
FEATURE: message box with CLI help [DoubleT/Aw3]
FEATURE: use file name as the 2nd criteria for shared files sorting by Priority and Folder [Aw3]
FEATURE: use file extension as the 2nd criteria while sorting by file type {muleteer} [Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: added utf8 message encoding option [eklmn/Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: strip user message colors {xalbux} [Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: save state of the user list [Aw3]
FEATURE: IRC: enabled search in the lists [Aw3]
FEATURE: Italian stand-alone FAQ version (translated by KerneL) in PDF format [Aw3]
CHANGE: slightly simplified source code distribution for easier compilation {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
CHANGE: more detailed debug information about received bad packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased max file comment length to 128 characters (from original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed special downloading improvement against old MLdonkey clients [Aw3]
CHANGE: more accurate download bandwidth calculation for compressed packets [Aw3]
CHANGE: classify .m4a, .m4b, .m4p, .m4r file extensions as audio type; .m4v as video [Aw3]
CHANGE: get preview chunk option for .mp4 files {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized link identification and output to RichEdit controls (logs, chats, IRC) [Aw3]
CHANGE: simplified logging system implementation [Aw3]
CHANGE: extended processing to auto-resize list columns on the transfer window [Aw3]
CHANGE: don’t autoconnect before loading ipfilter.dat [KuSh]
CHANGE: save A4AF sources for Save/Load Sources feature {muleteer} [Aw3]
CHANGE: new version check link (updates.emuleplus.info) for better flexibility [Aw3/DonGato]
CHANGE: web site and forum update and migration to better hosting [DonGato/Aw3]
CHANGE: updated country flag database [Aw3]
CHANGE: command-line commands don’t start eMule Plus if it’s not running [Aw3]
CHANGE: reworked notification window placement to overcome Wine issue {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
CHANGE: revised software updated instructions in readme.txt {Efix} [Aw3]
CHANGE: better Italian translation for “Clear” from the download list {KerneL} [Aw3]
CHANGE: dropped conversion of old JumpStart database format (used before v1.2a) [Aw3]
CHANGE: IRC: simplified log message formatting [Aw3]
CHANGE: IRC: reorganized user list [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: improved download progress bar representation for large files {DonGato} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential corruption of already received and veryfied data [Aw3]
BUGFIX: don’t apply GUI “Prompt on exit” for “exit” CLI command {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: error message regarding saving to staticservers.dat [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corruption of server.met files when disk is full [Aw3]
BUGFIX: error message issued while saving part.met file [Aw3]
BUGFIX: garbled text on HTTP download status window for IE7 (from original) {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: A4AF sources attached to complete file {DonGato/DopeFish/muleteer/Vladimir (SV)/glaskrug} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: A4AF source count display for paused files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: link highlighting in logs and chats (Unicode migration issue) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: link highlighting for long IRC links {Paola} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: logging vulnerability which could cause endless loop with 100% CPU utilization [Aw3]
BUGFIX: auto-resize for the first column of the shared files and search lists [Aw3]
BUGFIX: list drawing causing column resize and tooltip problems {Fuxie – DK/muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: update of preferences category list on / [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect destructor for some allocated buffers [Aw3/KuSh]
BUGFIX: initialization of the average download time statistics [Aw3]
BUGFIX: restore CLI which couldn’t restore minimized window (from the system taskbar) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: uninitialized session upload priority statistics [KuSh]
BUGFIX: crash caused by invalid pointers casting {Nestor} [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: loss of the IP filter when garbage is downloaded from the server {Fuxie – DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory leak caused by failed gzipped HTTP download (from original) [Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong clipping and ellipsis in the label column of the info view pane [Aw3]
BUGFIX: icon alignment in the preferences page selection control {pixelgrease} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: potential memory corruption while displaying notification window [Aw3]
BUGFIX: text going beyond notification window [Aw3]
BUGFIX: occasional wrong line break for long words in the notification window {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: static server priority change {Unknown} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: “Don’t scroll toolbar” feature for Firefox 3 {muleteer} [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: adding a server with high priority [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: last log message report for Servers and Shared Files [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: inserting several ed2k-links {L_ignorant} [Aw3]