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eMule v0.50a Beba v2.64

时隔一年eMule Beba终于发布了一个新版本,eMule v0.50a Beba v2.64,此版本增加了一个新功能,支持Snarl通知栏 [1],作者Tuxman 曾经在eMule功能请求区发帖请求eMule官方实现该功能,然后就在他自己的mod Beba里率先实现了一个。

有关Snarl:通知栏类似于气泡提示,能显示程序运行状态和信息。Snarl是一个类似苹果电脑 Mac OS X 系统下Growl的信息提示系统。Snarl是一款开源软件,支持插件扩展,支持样式和皮肤,你也可以当作桌面小组件工具使用。其它强大的功能请到官方网站了解:Snarl官方网站:https://sites.google.com/site/snarlapp/home [2]

eMule Beba率先实现了对Snarl的支持。不过由于eMule官方版已经含有一个通知栏功能 [3],以及一个悬浮窗功能 – 迷你骡(minimule) [4],而且都支持自定义的样式 [5],所以Beba的这个新功能可能更多的还是适合Snarl和eMule Beba的双重用户。

eMule Beba Mod拥有Client Analyzer的反吸血检测机制,并且趋于轻量化,如果需要web远程管理,请自行下载Webserver模板文件 [6],如果需要多媒体文件信息扩展MediaInfo.dll文件,一样请去这里下载 [6]

eMule Beba 官方主页:http://beba.emulefuture.de/ [7]
eMule官方论坛发布贴:http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=84237 [8]
eMule Beba使用帮助: http://beba.emulefuture.de/index.php?page=howto [9]

– released Feb 11, 2012 –

下载eMule beba和Snarl

帮助 | eMule官方 [10] | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 [11] | eMule-Mods.de [12] | 插件主页 [13]
eMule.v0.50a.Beba.v2.64-bin.7z [14] 查源 [15] 1.9MB
eMule.v0.50a.Beba.v2.64-src.7z [16] 查源 [17] 1.8MB
[?]: [?]:, 3.7MB

下载Snarl:http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/project/snarlwin/Snarl/Current%20Release/ [18]



Long time no see, eh? (-;
Suddenly, a wild beba appears and brings a very new very own feature: support for Snarl notifications as previously proposed by me! Install Snarl and watch the magic happen.
Thanks to WiZaRd for debugging and dev discussions.

Important remark: You are advised to turn off popup notifications for “normal” log entries if enabled (disabled by default). They might spam you, and Snarl does not like that and will, at some point, probably “ban” eMule beba for the time being. Please also note that this is still an early version of this feature (bleeding-edge-pre-alpha or something like that) and might (will) not work correctly in some cases. If any major or minor issues occur, please report them immediately. During my tests, it happened that beba showed both notifications although I use “if | else” in the sources. Weird, huh? So: Expect them.

(Remark after having released v2.64: I noticed that in one place there is still a GetVersion check instead of IsSnarlRunning() – should not affect functionality though, will be changed with v2.65.)



– added: block ratio (drop blocking clients) [Stulle, morph4u]
– added: Snarl support [Tuxman]
* can be turned off in beba’s Options dialog