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eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.0 发布

eMule ScarAngel是基于eMule Xtreme的一款mod,被广大电骡爱好者们称为“天使骡”或“刀疤天使骡”。Xtreme相对以功能强大著称的MorphXT,是功能简洁大众化的入门mod,而ScarAngel则在Xtreme的基础上增加了很多强大的功能,是喜欢Xtreme的进阶用户的很好选择。ScarAngel的上一个版本还要追溯到2009年12月,一年多之后,2011年3月11日,作者Stulle终于为我们带来了新版eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.0。

下载ScarAngel v4.0:
eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.0 打包压缩档(推荐) [1]
(此为推荐使用的打包好的压缩档,“绿色”版本,解压后直接使用。已包含最新版的官方DLP库 [2]eMuleFans修改版IP过滤库 [3]地理位置数据库 [4]服务器列表 [5]等。附带的地理位置数据库为简体中文版,附带英文版的打包请点击这里下载 [6]

eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.0 压缩档 [7]

eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.0 安装包 [8]

eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.0 源代码 [9]

eMule ScarAngel 在eMule官方论坛的发布贴:http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=103882 [10]

eMule ScarAngel官方主页:http://scarangel.sourceforge.net/ [11]


eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.0主要更新内容有:


从eMule 0.49c ScarAngel v3.3开始,支持将eMule注册为Windows系统服务(官方版只能使用第三方工具来实现),此功能以前仅在eMule MorphXT流派中实现。这个功能与eMule的Web服务器(网页接口)搭配使用非常便利。对于一些多用户系统用户或是希望在后台运行eMule的用户非常有用。无论系统登陆用户是谁,无论你在何处都可以保持eMule的运行和对其控制。

可以为你的eMule的Web服务器功能添加多个拥有不同权限的用户(必须使用支持多用户的网页接口模板,ScarAngel已经附带了一个Multiuser eMule.tmpl)。






资源发布者可能会需要的功能:强力共享规则;传播信用槽;发布奖励规则;公平游戏(fair play)等。



http://sourceforge.net/projects/scarangel/files/ScarAngel/ [12]


eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.0 eD2k链接
帮助 | eMule官方 [13] | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 [14] | eMule-Mods.de [15] | 插件主页 [16]
eMule0.50a-ScarAngel_v4.0-installer.exe [17] 查源 [18] 6.76MB
eMule0.50a-ScarAngel_v4.0-bin.rar [19] 查源 [20] 4.59MB
eMule0.50a-ScarAngel_v4.0-src.rar [21] 查源 [22] 7.93MB
[?]: [?]:, 19.29MB


Dear customers,

Although it has been over 15 months since our last release I would like to thank those who stayed with us. Due to the recession we had to cut down on our development department so it took us a bit longer than usually.
Nevertheless, we hereby present you with another new fine release of eMule ScarAngel! This is not just a maintenance release although it features quite a lot of bugfixes.
I would like to highlight the additions that have been made to the Webserver. Henceforth, it will feature a progress bar that indicates to what degree the Upload Waiting Queue is already filled. Additionally, hovering the mouse trigger over the progress bar of a file will display the percentage to which the file is finished.
Another very nice change our development department came up with is the improved display of the reason for download limitations in the Status bar. More improvements have been made in regards to picking the correct download speed limit.
For a complete list please refer to the changelog you will find below. Please note that the packages also include a changelog of our Xtreme merge which also includes a number of changes and fixes.
We do hope that this new fine release will satisfy you because you, dear customers, are important to us!

Yours dearly, Stulle 🙂


eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.0:
– 11.03.2011 –
based on eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.0 compiled with vs2010 SP1
Merged to eMule v0.50a [Stulle]
Updated with code from zz_fly’s Xtreme

Added: Possibility to directly add incoming of removed cat to shared folders [Stulle] – Stulle
Added: Queue progress bar in Webserver (not in Light) [unknown/Stulle] – Stulle
Added: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer [unknown/Stulle] – Stulle
Added: More advanced official settings [Stulle] – Stulle

Changed: Reworked coloring of windows (fixes some tab controls on Vista/7) [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Grouping of advanced official settings [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Refined dislpaying reasons for download limits in StatusBar [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Auto join Morph IRC help channel [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Improved picking correct download limit [Stulle] – Stulle
+ Might be a little more restrictive but is is also cleaner

Fixed: Reboot in webserver invoked shutdown instead of reboot [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: TxtEditor option in Advanced Preferences [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Setting HOS was cancled when setting remained unchanged for one file [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Minor display bug around default for PowerShare limit [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: AutoUpdateIP2Country differed on loading and saving preferences [jerryBG] – Stulle
Fixed: Localization of ScarAngel Settings was incomplete [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Bad graph label display when Source Graph was disabled [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: Crashfix for reloading share via ASFU under certain circumstances [WiZaRd] – Stulle
Fixed: Current window was not entirely redrawn on changing window color [Stulle] – Stulle
Fixed: DLP version number was not updated on manual update in settings [Stulle] – Stulle

Removed: New official Ask-On-Exit Dlg in favor of ScarAngel one (NTService) [Stulle] – Stulle

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; French [jamjam]; Spanish [Rajil/mself563];
Italian [xilolee/EvolutionCrazy]; Turkish (partially) [omeringen]
Note: Added existing Czech ScarAngel translations to Czech translation file