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eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.2 发布

电骡爱好者们最常用的eMule mods之一,“刀疤天使骡” – eMule ScarAngel Mod的新版v4.2由作者Stulle在eMule(电骡)官方论坛发布 [1]了。它基于eMule v0.50a Xtreme 8.1制作。除了继承了Xtreme的特性,天使骡更关注于功能的强大,例如:增加了多种积分系统,老板键(一键隐藏),系统后台服务运行(无界面),多账号网页远程管理支持,TBH迷你骡(minimule),自动备份配置文件,增强的下载分类管理,稀有文件推送,更多高级功能设置等等。

下载ScarAngel v4.2:
eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.2 压缩档 [2]
(推荐老手使用的“绿色”压缩包,解压后直接使用。Sourceforge镜像 [3]。服务器列表、IPFilter、IP2C等组件需自己手动添加更新。如果在旧版上更新,一般情况下只需覆盖eMule.exe即可)
eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.2 安装包 [4]
(推荐新手使用的安装向导包,安装后使用。Sourceforge镜像 [5]。各组件也需自己手动添加更新)
eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.2 源代码 [6]
(程序员用。Sourceforge镜像 [7]
eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.2 开发者debug包 [8]


从旧版ScarAngel更新到新版,可以直接用新版的emule.exe覆盖原来的。如果想更彻底地更新,或者需要从其他eMule换用到ScarAngel,请参考《如何安全、彻底、有效地更换eMule Mod [11]》。


eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.2 电驴链接(eD2K)
帮助 | eMule官方 [12] | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 [13] | eMule-Mods.de [14] | 插件主页 [15]
eMule0.50a-ScarAngel_v4.2-bin.rar [16] 查源 [17] 4.63MB
eMule0.50a-ScarAngel_v4.2-installer.exe [18] 查源 [19] 6.8MB
eMule0.50a-ScarAngel_v4.2-src.rar [20] 查源 [21] 7.95MB
eMule0.50a-ScarAngel_v4.2-debugkit.rar [22] 查源 [23] 9.76MB
[?]: [?]:, 29.14MB



Dear customers,

I am happy to bring you a new and improved version of ScarAngel. It seems our hard working developers were having too much fun on the last release. But don’t fear, those days are over! No more fun within the realm of ScarAngel Industries Ltd. from hear on out!
This release will do a couple of things differently in order to avoid different threads changing the upload list. We hope this will improve stability for you, our dear customers. Additionally, we also added two minor GUI goodies. As usual, check the changelog for more.

Yours dearly, Stulle 🙂


eMule v0.50a ScarAngel v4.2:
– 22.06.2011 –
based on eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1 compiled with vs2010 SP1

Changed: Pause UBT when moving down slots in upload [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Schedule blocking clients for removal [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Schedule clients for moving down [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Show ModID in systray dialog sidebar [Stulle] – Stulle
Changed: Display ratio activation in WebInterface [Stulle] – Stulle

Fixed: Potential NULL-pointer bugs in Upload Bandwidth Throttler [Stulle] – Stulle

Note: The schedule changes will delay removal of blocking or moving down clients so the action will
be done when going through the uploading sockets the next time to avoid exceptions due to
changes in the upload list done by another thread while going through the sockets.