morph4u於2010年12月21日在eMule官方論壇上發布了Zzul-Tra Mod的最新版本——eMule v0.50a Zzul-Tra v1.9。
eMule Zzul Mod是一個著名的Mod底本,由它衍生修改出了許多其他Mod,名稱中大多都包含「Zzul」或「z」的字眼,Zzul-Tra便是其中之一。Zzul-Tra在保持eMule 0.49c Zzul原有特色的基礎上,與官方eMule 0.50a代碼同步,並增加了一些新的功能。
eMule 0.50a Zzul-Tra 1.7至1.9版本更新的功能主要包括:
- SOTN優化與修正
- 修改了ip-to-country功能
- 顯示客戶端IP
- Funny Nick(隨機用戶名)
- 顯示CPU/MEM使用
- 減少CPU耗費
- 文件段導入
- 好友鏈接
- 更多請看詳細更新日誌……
幫助 | eMule官方 | eMule Fans 電騾愛好者 | eMule-Mods.de | 插件主頁 | |
可執行文件 | |
eMule0.50a.ZZUL-TRA_1.9_Bin.rar 查源 | 2.73MB |
源代碼 | |
eMule0.50a.ZZUL-TRA_1.9_Src.compile.ready_emule_vc71-all.sln.rar 查源 | 33.56MB |
[?]: [?]:, | 36.29MB 2個文件 |
eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.9
Add: SOTN optimization from SharkX v2.0B1 [taz]
Add: Dynamic Block Requests [NetFinity]
Add: Changed GHL slider to editbox
Add: Missing prefs for IP2Country in Options-Extended
Add: Auto update ip-to-country.csv on startup
Add: Open file details in downloaded history with double klick
Add: Bantime settable in prefernces.ini
Add: Kad term cleanup [WiZaRd]
Remove: Removed URL client [NetFinity]
Remove: Slotcontrol
Remove: Force upload slot
Change: Mulelistctrl UI change m_crGlow to m_crEvenLineeMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.8
Add: Friendlinks [emulEspaa]
Add: Session Download [Xanatos]
Add: Manual Client Management [???/neomule]
Add: UL Prio in downloadlist Slugfiller]
Add: Import Parts [SR-13]
Add: Relax on startup [WiZaRd]
Add: ShowIP in client details [kts]
Add: Some fixes for SOTN [WiZaRd]
Change: Some minor fixes
Remove: CPU calm down
Remove: Sourcecache column in downloadlisteMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.7
Add: Funny Nick (to enable in preferences.ini) [xrmb]
Add: Auto Shared Files Updater (to enable in preferences.ini) [Monke/Stulle/Wiz]
Add: Show CPU/MEM usage (to enable in preferences.ini) [$ick$/Max/Stulle]
Add: Log friend activities [Mighty Knife]
Add: IP Filter Update [Yun.SF3/Stulle]
Add: Clip Stat [WiZaRd]
Add: Reduced CPU usage [NetFinity]
Add: CPU calm down [WiZaRd]
Add: Save CPU [WiZaRd]
Add: Show Own Credits in Client details [VQB]
Add: Show IP number in clientlist [CB Mod]
Add: Show Usernick/Runtime in title (to enable in preferences.ini)