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eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2


可惜不支持常规的吸血骡屏蔽插件,内置了吸血骡过滤名单。StulleMule内置了Xtreme强大的DLP动态反吸血功能,不用担心被一些吸血骡吸血。同时,StulleMule还拥有能够屏蔽恶意攻击客户端的Sivka Ban。

StulleMule v6.2 [內置反吸血更新至DLPv4101] [1]


题外话:根据Stulle的排期,下一个要更新的Mod应该是 ScarAngel 天使骡了,大家欢呼!

http://stulle.emule-web.de/ [2]

http://www.emule-mods.de/?mods=stulle [3]

http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=92428eMule [4]

http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/general.cgi?l=42 [5]

以下是eMule 0.49c StulleMule v6.2的更新内容(英文):

eMule v0.49c StulleMule v6.2 – 26.04.2009 –
based on eMule 0.49c MorphXT 11.3 compiled with vs2005 SP1

Added: (Design Settings) Shareable file style for SharedFilesCtrl [Stulle]
Added: Make NT Service strings changeable [Stulle]
Added: Option to use ASFU for folders including single shared files [Stulle]
Added: Option for time between automatic reloads [Stulle]
Added: First awesome StulleMule Installer [leuk_he/MorphXT]
Added: Turkish translation (partially) [omeringen]

Changed: Only check “Control download priority” code every tenth cycle [Stulle]
Changed: Updated Design Settings for new code (also improves implementation [Stulle]
Changed: Min small files push size to 1 kB [Stulle]
Changed: Small files push size slider kB based (makes keyboard input usable) [Stulle]
Changed: Introduced pre-processor definitions for various features [Stulle]
Changed: Global SysInfo RAM stats will support usage of more than 4GB [Stulle]
Changed: Write FileSettings.ini sequentially (faster) [Stulle]
Changed: Always wait 5 sec after sending save req before saving file settings [Stulle]
Changed: Only reset ASFU when needed [Stulle]
Changed: ASFU uses special bWatchSubtree flag for share with subdir [Stulle]
Changed: ASFU only checks top most shared with subdir folder On Device Changed [Stulle]
Changed: ASFU only monitors dirs that exist on reset/init [Stulle]

Updated: Anti-Leecher-Lists (DLP v37) [zz_fly/more]
Updated: Following language files: French [Nicholas_FR]; Spanish [guijarrelson];
Italian [v-x-vendetta]; German [Stulle]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly]

Fixed: (Design Settings) Only display if we got score remotely for DL clients [Stulle]
Fixed: Save known and FileSettings threads were not terminated properly [Stulle]
Fixed: Default color for source graph [Stulle]
Fixed: Changing the small files push size reset changes in the Tree options [Stulle]
Fixed: ASFU endlessly reloaded when monitored directory disappeared [Stulle]

该贴被Dante’s Dream于2009年12月25日修改,修改原因,STULLEMULE无ARGOS。