3月11日下午(UTC+0),eMule官方团队在官方论坛和SF放出了0.50a测试版——eMule 0.50a Beta1的安装包和源文件。众eMuler翘首以盼的新版本eMule浮出水面。
eMule 0.50a BETA3 Installer.exe 安装文件
eMule 0.50a BETA3 Sources.zip 源代码
新版本的eMule加强了aich hash验证,增强了LAN内部对KAD的利用,并且进一步改善了用户界面。
帮助 | eMule官方 | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 | eMule-Mods.de | 插件主页 | |
eMule0.50a_BETA3-Installer.exe 查源 | 3.23MB |
eMule0.50a_BETA3.zip 查源 | 2.77MB |
eMule0.50a_BETA3-Sources.zip 查源 | 5.68MB |
[?]: [?]:, | 11.68MB 3个文件 |
eMule 0.50a BETA3
– Mar, 28. 2010 –
.: Keyboard shortcuts to switch the dialog work again in the transfer dialog
.: Fixed a small visual glitch in the tooltips of the webinterface
.: Fixed a issue regarding eMule deceiding if to trust an AICH hash on files which have no verified AICH has [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed minor issues with the exit commandline command and the multiple instances option [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS, leuk_he]———————–
– Mar, 23. 2010 –
.: Fixed ed2k links not containing the AICH hash on several locations (ctrl+c, webserver, etc)
.: Fixed further bugs leading to crashes or glitches in the new toolbar
.: Fixed a possible crash problem with the new Win7 features
.: The Beta versioncheck will now point to a seperate website instead the standard versioncheck (which doesn’t works for betas)eMule 0.50a BETA2
– Mar, 19. 2010 –
.: Updated MiniUPnPlib to the latest version
.: The download commands toolbar now handles closing by pressing the X while in floating mode properly
.: The icons of the download commands toolbar are now properly drawn gray if disabled on WinXP and older Windows versions
– Mar, 17. 2010 –
.: The new Windows7 taskbar features will no longer vanish when minimizing eMule to the system tray
.: Updated libpng to the latest version
.: The lables of the download commands toolbar are now properly adjusted immediately when switching to another language
.: The archive preview tab has now a context menu to update the contents as replacement for the “Update” button
.: Fixed a bug in handling part.met files which could cause corrupted parts if eMule paused the file due to insufficient diskspace
.: Fixed a small visual glitch when resizing the shared files list while the new tabs were hidden
.: fixed minor memleak in kad keyword storing [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
– Mar, 14. 2010 –
.: Fixed the background color of the new Kad graph if custom themes/colors are enabled
.: eMule now selects the default color of the system icon tray speedbar depending on the color of your taskbar icon area, to avoid show a dark/bright bar on a dark/bright background
.: Fixed a crashbug in the new download commands toolbar (this bug was responsible for nearly all crashes you might have seen in Beta1).
.: Active searches are now automatically shown in the new Kad graph by default and eMule remembers the setting (can be siwtched in the contextmenu of the graph)
.: Fixed a small bug with itemdeletion when closing eMule [JvA]
.: Fixed a small bug regarding Kad search tolerance [Famerlor]
eMule 0.50a BETA1
– Mar, 8. 2010 –
.: Fixed a bug which caused the “Add files to download in paused mode” otpion to not work properly in all cases
.: Fixed a visual glitch on taksbar notifiers when using the Aero theme [gureedo]
– Mar, 3. 2010 –
.: Added Windows 7 taskbar goodies:
– global progress bar in the eMule taskbar button, progress colors: green when downloading, red when a download is errorous, yellow otherwise
– Taskbar Buttons: when hovering over the eMule taskbar button (connect/disconnect/throttle/unthrottle/open preferences)
– Overlay icon: Overlay icon on the eMule taskbar button indicating active up- and downloads (disabled by default, enable by ini entry “ShowUpDownIconInTaskbar=1”).
– Mar, 1. 2010 –
.: Tweaked uploadcode to significantly increase the possible uploadspeed per slot especially on LANs, making eMule more suitable for those
.: The number of maximal open upload slots has been decreased to 100
.: Fixed a bug which caused the “Add files to download in paused mode” otpion to not work properly in all cases
– Feb, 28. 2010 –
.: Fixed a problem with the sharedfiles list when deleting a shared files [dolphinX]
.: Fixed minor possible memory/ressource leak in the archive recovery and ipfilter [dolphinX]
.: Fixed possible problem when wrong incoming directory due to categories in certain cases [dolphinX]
– Feb, 19. 2010 –
.: Fixed a bug in Kad which would not enforce the search tolerance in certain cases
.: Changed Kad to work better in small LANs. If Kad detects it is running on a LAN (only LAN IPs in the routing table), it will assume beeing open and not behind a NAT/Router without trying to verfiy (which would fail in a small LAN),
and also doesn’t enforces several security features like flood detection for LAN IPs. Now even a small Kad LAN of 2 nodes works well without any setup issues
(To create such a Kad LAN, make sure all clients have Options->Extended->”Filter server and client LAN IPS” disabled, delete the existing nodes.dat if necessary, go to the Kad dialog and enter the IP+Port of one other client (which is either connected or in connecting mode for Kad) to the bootstrap box – done)
– Jan, 25. 2010 –
.: The connection wizzard is no longer shown after finishing the first start wizzard (it’s deprecated)
.: The first start wizzard is only shown on first starts and no longer after updates
– Jan, 21. 2010 –
.: Added a new graph to the Kad window, which lets you watch each Kad lookup in detail. For non-Devs this is just for fun, you don’t need to worry about anything shown there. A detailed explanation of the graph can be found in the onlinehelp.
.: Added “Automatically show active searches” option to the context menu of the new graph which lets it switch to active lookups automatically (instead having to select it in the list). Now you can watch Kad working for hours without a click!
– Jan, 12. 2010 –
.: Added a new dockable toolbar to the transfer dialog. The buttons resemble the context menu options, but making them accessible easier and faster. The toolbar can be removed by right clicking on it and shown again by selecting context menue option of the downloadlist
– Jan, 10. 2010 –
.: The context menu in of the downloadlist allows now directly assign a file to a new category (instead of having to create it separately first)
.: The “Unassign” category context menu entry is now only available if a file actually has a category
– Dec, 7. 2009 –
.: Fixed missing setting saving after automatic adapting incoming folders of categories due to changed main incoming folder
.: Fixed a bug with overwriting the nodes.dat on times we actually don’t want to write it [Nissenice]
.: Added a quick intermediate fix to make certain Kad lookups more reliable, improving the (search/source-) results in some cases [based on research from http://www-users.cs….hopper/kad.pdf]
– Nov, 28. 2009 –
.: Switched the eMule fileidentifiers from ED2k-Hash + Size to ED2k-Hash + AICH-Hash + Size. This means eMule is now using two hashing algorithms combined (based on MD4 and SHA1) to verify if a received part (and eventually the comlete files) is not corrupt
This change is necessary due to weaknesses in the MD4 algorithm and enables eMule to make sure to never complete a corrupt files for the next decade
All changes are backwards compatible, so no clients or files will be exluded from the network
.: AICH part hashsets are build out of existing AICH recovery hashsets, no rehashing is done
.: AICH verification is enabled when using an ed2k link with included AICH hash, or when searching and downloading a file from Kad when certain requirements are met (this will only start to work once the majority of nodes update)
.: The AICH hash can be seen in the search results list for kad searches if available
.: ed2k links can no longer be created without the AICH Hash, except if it is not available. ed2k links without AICH hash are considered deprecated, but are still accepted by eMule for now
– Nov, 15. 2009 –
.: The shared files list now shows files in root directories properly [dolphinX]
.: Fixed a bug with determining if the filesystem can handle large files when using categories [dolphinX]
.: Added preferences.ini-only option “KeepUnavailableFixedSharedDirs” (“eMule”-Section) which lets eMule keep shared directories on fixed drives even if they are not found anymore
.: Fixed minor memleak on kad searches [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
– Oct, 13. 2009 –
.: Added preferences.ini-only option “ForceSpeedsToKB” (“eMule”-Section), which will make eMule display all speed values in KB/s (instead of B/s to TB/s depending on the speed)
– Aug, 7. 2009 –
.: The shared files dialog has now a tab selector, letting you choose to view the statistics,(reduced versions of) the content, ed2k-link or metadata info for the selected file(s)
.: The statistics page on in the shared files dialog also has the following new entries: Popularity rank (ranking all your shared files based on Requests), On Queue (clients on queue for the selected file) and Uploading (current bandwidth used to upload the selected file)
.: The new tabs in the shared files dialog can be closed or restored by an arrow button on the right side
– Aug, 3. 2009 –
.: Fixed possible resource leaks in ZIP file decompression [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed sorting bug in Shared Files window [moloko+]
– Aug, 2. 2009 –
.: Fixed bug with downloading files via the built-in webserver [Stulle]
.: Fixed double/single click behaviour in search results window [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed bug in user hash validation [ilmira]
.: Fixed bug with space characters in ED2K URLs [moloko+]
– Jul, 25. 2009 –
.: Fixed a bug which made search tabs in certain cases invisible after you closed one
– Jul, 20. 2009 –
.: Cleand up options dialog a bit:
The following settings have been removed and are now preferences.ini-only: “Beeponerror”, “DontRecreateStatGraphsonresize”, “UpdateQueueListPref”, “MessageFromValidSourcesOnly” (Section “eMule”) and “EnabledDeprecated” (section “PeerCache”)
.: The exit conformation messagebox has now a “Don’t ask me again” option
.: Added “Pause on when preview possible” option to the downloadlist context menu. Only visible when “advanced mode controls” is enabled
– Jul, 09. 2009 –
.: Improved storing AICH hashsets after a download has finished – should be much faster now if you share many files
.: Sparse files are available on Windows7 again, Vista stays the only version were they are disabled
– Jun, 12. 2009 –
.: Added basic checks and user warnings for wrong operator usage (like using OR on the first keyword) in Kad. Earlier version just delivered wrong/incomplete results in such cases.
– Jun, 10. 2009 –
.: Fixed a bug in Kad with setting the proper searchkeywords when searching for exact phrases with quotes
.: Fixed a bug with rearranging quoted keywords on kad searches
– Jun, 2. 2009 –
.: Kad1 is no longer supported and we will no longer answer or request any packets from Kad1 nodes (the last eMule Kad1 version was release about 4 years ago)
– Mar – May 2009 –
.: eMule Summer of Non-Code
好 抢个沙发!
@一棵小白菜 这还只是beta而已
@faira 原版没有反吸血 👿
@faira 没有dlp那种,反吸血能力不能说没有,只是较弱,靠积分和一点行为分析
期待Xtreme Mod新版本~~
话说现在不是等Mod的说,而是等正式版的说…… 😀
所以从0.46开始eMule就使用了Kad2作为主要的Kad网络,现在估计99%使用的都是Kad2 😀
0.49c依然是支持Kad1的,不过据说0.50会去掉Kad1的支持 😉
估计大部分Mod都会等待0.50a正式版本发布后再更新 😀
eMule 0.47a Diclonius 2.0 请问谁知道这个版本怎么样? 请帮忙解答~~
@luochenbj 导入文件块是mod的功能吧?
期待xtreme scarangel早日跟进。。
而且也不支持反吸血DLP,在天朝这样的环境中一定会被吸血客户端吸死…… 😳
已經Beta2了 😀
谢谢提醒,已经联系管理员修改 😀
呼呼 更新到beta2了啊 嘛…還是等正式版吧 😀
这个是Beta版本,Mods通常都是等正式版后才跟进更新的 😀
借个地方问个事儿啊,EM XT 7.2
@S4 应该本身就是这样设计的。因为在ed2k网络标识文件的不是文件名而是后面的hash值,容易在后续下载中出现下载相同文件的情况。而且通常人们识别文件靠文件名,不是那串无意义的字符。
总感觉em用起来太过麻烦 它不想bt你随意下载任何一个客户端(ut、bc、bs等)就可以简单下载
可能我不太会用em 又是mod又是ui的 搞的我很晕 还有什么id 积分、排队、伺服器等等诸多的限制…………….
当然em的优势就是资源比较丰富所以也只能用呆瓜式的VC= =!
@evans 你随便下一个mod软件,比如Xtreme,然后就用他的默认设置,根本不需要进一步修改的。关联eD2k链接之后,在浏览器里面也是点击了eD2k链接就直接下载的,需要什么设置呢?eMule的ui,或者说是皮肤,也没几个用户改,就那样就能用。
所以我认为官方eMule已经非常非常呆瓜了,VeryCD Mod和easyMule其实丝毫不比官方eMule、Xtreme等“简单”到哪里。easyMule只是去掉了eMule的不少设置,或者隐藏不让你看见,让你有心理作用,以为很简单,不需要设置。而其他正常eMule则是设置放在那里,你可以设,你可以不设,一个什么都不懂的初级用户不进行什么设置,他照样能用得很好。说eMule设置复杂,这是一种误导,是心理在作祟。
总感觉em用起来太过麻烦 它不想bt你随意下载任何一个客户端(ut、bc、bs等)就可以简单下载
可能我不太会用em 又是mod又是ui的 搞的我很晕 还有什么id 积分、排队、伺服器等等诸多的限制…………….