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@odf 這間公司我最初去跟客服瞭解過,他們的客服也這么說
@sea 不清楚,搞不明白什么意思。
@sea 搞不明白这个
@sea 不过我想terms大都是表面文章吧
@odf 那你認為torrent 也是表面文章?因為我看到網站上有一些種子網站的圖片,但我看他們的服務協議,他們前五天會有用戶的日誌,不過他們說這是為了“檢查用戶連接是否穩定與缺陷”?
@sea 不清楚,没用过他们的呀,可能还是用过的更有发言权吧。但是他们自己都搞torrent搜索,我想他们自己的卖点其实就是那让你匿名下载吧。
😕 忙了幾天還沒什麽解決方法@odf
@sea 不知道你有多担心版权指控,如果实在不行可以先试用找几个提供免费试用的试用一段时间。或者就用一个速度快的vpn,然后个人小心不要触雷就行了。
@odf 😕 😕 😕 😕 看來我只能分享開源軟體了
@sea 没那么严重吧?分享软件要比电影安全的多
@sea 实在很好奇你现在在哪里,会这么担心。其实用vpn就不用担心所在国法律了,而是考虑vpn方的法律和用户协议等。
@odf 你所說的strong vpn是美國公司,估計我換哪一國IP基本上都沒用,是嗎? 😕 😕
@sea 不用它美国的服务器不就行了,它不是提供很多国家的服务器的吗?
@sea http://torrent-vpn.com/termsofservice.html
@東京奧 我理解是用它在某国的服务器,如果在此国家不禁止,那么他的服务就是合法的,那你就是安全的。
@東京奧 哦,回复错了。
@ThomasSome 这家不支持openvpn
@odf 我又找到一個,不過要指定的伺服器才可以(瑞士、荷蘭、盧森堡、拉脫維亞),他們的客服說在這幾個伺服器上可以用p2p,我問他們能不能分享版權文件,他們說在這幾個伺服器上使用不會關閉我的帳號,好像有些避重就輕的樣子
@sea 感觉有暗示说明可以使用的样子,可能怕你是“有关部门”钓鱼吧?哈哈
我就感覺到客服避重就輕,我問他們支不支持p2p,他們說支持,不過要在指定伺服器,再問他們能不能分享版權文件,他們說在這幾個伺服器上使用不會關閉我的帳號,根本就沒正面回答我的問題@odf 附上地址switch
@odf 瑞士、荷蘭、盧森堡、拉脫維亞四選一,也支持openvpn
@odf 這是他們的回覆:“We allow p2p on Latvia , Switzerland , Netherlands & luxeumburg. We dont allow p2p on any other server.”
@odf 我重複問了幾次,他們還只是這種說法 😕
@sea 哈哈,有一種釣魚執法的味道呢。如果您實在不放心還是找找中國大陸的VPN吧,保證你沒事 😀
@肥羊 你有什麽好推薦嗎?,我要求在使用emule時要獲得High ID,而且不限制我用p2p軟體共享,不過我很好奇,這個網站不是說中國的ip連接不上伺服器嗎?再次謝謝大家的解答
@sea 貌似现在没问题了,我开迷惑协议没问题
連接到大的伺服器也沒事?你有什麽中國vpn的推薦可以符合我的要求?@碧海帆影 先謝謝了。
@emuler 最好能试用,或者支持退款的
@sea 中国的vpn有什么用处呢?
@emuler 荷兰,瑞士,比较宽松吧
@sea 能連接得上服務器的,不管是關閉迷惑協議還是開啟迷惑協議都行。但是大陸vpn帶寬的確很小……隱私什麼的哪個國家都有問題,比起國外,中國大陸IP下載東西的確不會因什麼版權警告。所以……您還是以自己的需求考慮一下用哪個國家的VPN好吧
@sea 暗示你,这几个服务器的随便用
@肥羊 是我也怀疑这是在钓鱼了
@gke 所以說也不敢保證哪個國家已經暗地和米國簽訂什麼版權法律,就等著倒霉的老百姓上鉤……@sea 其實想給你推薦個安心的VPN的,不過還是請諒解一下,畢竟哪個VPN好哪個VPN不好我們都沒證據保證就某某VPN一定好……
@jinghaha 相对台湾因为管制严格,大陆的p2p是被迅雷破坏的,不过有网友说的好迅雷将来也会像115一样。这里网友预言很准的。
@odf 有些地方打不开这个网站吧?帮转贴:
1. Do you keep ANY logs which would allow you or a 3rd party to match an IP address and a time stamp to a user of your service? If so, exactly what information do you hold?
2. Under what jurisdictions does your company operate and under what exact circumstances will you share the information you hold with a 3rd party?
Response to Q1: “It’s technically unfeasible for us to maintain log files with the amount of connections we route,” BTguard explain. “We estimate the capacity needed to store log files would be 4TB per day.”
Response to Q2: “The jurisdiction is Canada. Since we do not have log files, we have no information to share. We do not communicate with any third parties. The only event we would even communicate with a third party is if we received a court order. We would then be forced to notify them we have no information. This has not happened yet.”
@gke Private Internet Access
Response to Q1: “We absolutely do not maintain any VPN logs of any kind. We utilize shared IP addresses rather than dynamic or static IPs, so it is not possible to match a user to an external IP. These are some of the many solutions we have implemented to enable the strongest levels of anonymity amongst VPN services. Further, we would like to encourage our users to use an anonymous e-mail and pay with Bitcoins to ensure even higher levels of anonymity should it be required. Our core verticals are privacy, quality of service, and prompt customer support.”
Response to Q2: “Our company currently operates out of the United States with gigabit gateways in the US, Canada, UK, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. We chose the US, since it is one of the only countries without a mandatory data retention law. We will not share any information with third parties without a valid court order. With that said, it is impossible to match a user to any activity on our system since we utilize shared IPs and maintain absolutely no logs.”
@gke TorrentPrivacy
Response to Q1: “We have connection logs, but we don’t store IP addresses there. These logs are kept for 7 days. Though it’s impossible to determine who exactly have used the service.”
Response to Q2: “We have servers in Netherlands, Sweden and USA while our company is based on Seychelles. We do not disclose any information to 3rd parties and this can be done only in case of a certain lawsuit filed against our company.”
@gke 最近大家比较关注vpn来emle,有空请版主翻译一下吧。很有参考价值。
@sea 中国地区的vpn?除了看youku,tudou之流的盗版视频没有任何用处吧。
@gke TorGuard
Response to Q1: “Our sever connection logs are purged on a daily basis since we don’t maintain hard drive’s big enough to store all this data. TorGuard’s torrent proxy and VPN connection logs do not associate an IP with each request as there are hundreds of users sharing the same connection at any given time. Since there are no logs kept or IP’s recorded, it is not possible to identify exactly who has used the connection.”
Response to Q2: “Our parent company is based in Panema, with secure servers in Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine and Panema. We do not share any of our user’s information with third parties, period. Only in the event of an official court order would we be forced to communicate with a third party. This scenario has never occurred, but if it were to, we would be forced to explain in more technical terms how we don’t maintain usage logs.”
@gke ItsHidden
Response to Q1: “No logs, they are not kept. Even system logs that do not directly link to users are rotated on an hourly basis.”
Response to Q2: “The company has recently been sold and falls under the Jurisdiction of the Seychelles. As such there is no requirement [to log] within that jurisdiction.”
@gke Ipredator
Response to Q1: “We don’t store the IP at all actually. It’s in temporary use for the session you have when you’re connected but that’s it. We’ve had very few issues with not having logs, but not keeping them makes it safer even for us since we can’t accidentally give out information about anyone.”
Response to Q2: “We fall – mostly – under Swedish jurisdiction when it comes to the service. When it comes to organisational stuff (who keeps the data, who owns the service, who owns the server, who owns the network etc etc) it’s very mixed, intentionally. This is to make it hard and/or impossible to legally bully us around if that would be the case.”
“We can’t be easily shut down, and we can’t be pressured by courts to implement stuff we would oppose. For end-users this is not affecting them in a negative way at all, only the opposite.”
@gke Faceless
Response to Q1: “We do not log any IP addresses and no information about what data is accessed by our users, so we have no information that could be interesting to third-parties.”
Response to Q2: “We have servers in The Netherlands and our company is based in Cyprus. If authorities would contact us we would have to tell them that we have no connection logs or IP-addresses saved on our systems.”