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MLDonkey 3.1.5 更新

在多种电驴网络客户端(edonkey 2000 Network Clients)中,最像电驴官方客户端的莫过于来自法国的著名开源客户端 MLDonkey,它和电驴官方版(eDonkey)一样支持多种操作系统,具有核心与控制分离的界面,并且除了支持电驴自家的 eD2k 和 Overnet 两种网络外还可以支持 BT/DC/Gnutella/Fasttrack/Kad 等多种流行的 P2P 应用网络(电驴可通过插件支持)。

MLDonkey v3.1.5 于2014年03月22日发布,官方网站:http://www.mldonkey.org/ [1]

下载MLDonkey 3.1.5

下载请至 MLDonkey 在 SourceForge 上的项目页面:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/mldonkey/files/mldonkey/3.1.5 [2]

有关 MLDonkey 的连接列表(工具,图形界面等):
http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/DownloadLinks [3]


New release: MLDonkey 3.1.4/5 [4]

2014/03/22: version 3.1.5 = tag release-3-1-5
8415: Revert patch #8328 to fix GTK2 gui’s compilation (ygrek)

2014/03/10: version 3.1.4 = tag release-3-1-4
8388: BT: use porttest service from EDK module (ygrek)
8352: CryptoPP: Fix compilation with gcc-4.7 (Jaakko Perttilä)
8351: CryptoPP: Fix FreeBSD build with clang on i386 (tijl)
8350: CryptoPP: Fix compilation on armhf (ygrek)

8336: GD: Fix linking to libpng & libjpeg
8335: Version bump miniupnpc 1.9 (ygrek)
8334: Version bump libnatpmp 20131126 & miniupnpc 1.8 (ygrek)
8333: Config: New configure option –enable-dev (ygrek)
8332: New option “all” for command verify_chunks (ygrek)
8331: printf2: add ?exn parameter for easy exception printing (ygrek)
8330: printexc2: reduce complexity, drop unused code (ygrek)
8329: printf2: reduce complexity, use Printf.ksprintf (ygrek)
8328: gettext: reduce complexity, drop unused code (ygrek)
8327: GTK2 GUI: fix wrong url on splash screen (ygrek)
8326: BT: disable announcing to (ygrek)
8325: do not reset option pause_new_downloads at startup (ygrek)
8324: BT: dump failing UDP tracker packets (ygrek)
8323: Config: fix minor typos (ygrek)
7916: Use GNU make when compiling upnp/natpmp on FreeBSD (zbroyar)

8123: configure: Fix GD version check for GD 2.1.x

8115: Use magnet: links without dllink
8114: Fix –enable-force-ocaml with Ocaml 4.00.x
8111: http: New option http_root_url specifies root url for the web interface (ygrek)
8113: IP discover: Fix broken URL
8112: BT/HTML: select/unselect whole directories in BT multifile downloads (ygrek)
8110: http_server: refactor error_page (ygrek)
8109: FTP: fix CWD (ygrek)
8108: FTP: fix authentication (ygrek)
8107: HTML: fix “Request URI too large” errors (ygrek)
drop unused selectPriority parameters
8106: EDK: do not dump unknown messages by default (ygrek)
8105: Config: report line and position for syntax errors in config files (ygrek)
8104: BT: suppress warning for peers6 entry in tracker response (ygrek)
7954: Fix handling of full disc (jcea)
7917: Allow upnp_stub.c to be compiled on Mac OS X (zbroyar)