Shareaza是一款著名的开源文件共享客户端(filesharing client),在著名开源项目网站Sourceforge下载量常年排名前十,支持多种文件共享和发布网络是它的特点,目前支持的有:Gnutella2、Gnutella、eDonkey2000、HTTP、FTP、BitTorrent。基于GPL开源协议许可,而且不在任何地方包括安装包选项捆绑任何广告,网址链接,流氓软件。而臭名昭著的吸血流氓软件Vagaa即修改自Shareaza而来。和存在很多假冒eMule官方网站 [1]的钓鱼网站(形如、一样,假冒Shareaza官方网站的钓鱼网站也是层出不穷,所以请认准正宗Shareaza官方站点: [2]
值得注意的是Shareaza从版本2.5.4.0开始添加有限的对DC++的支持,目前仅是实验性质。Direct Connect是另外一个著名的P2P文件分享网络,主要流行在大学或研究机构,其主要客户端DC++在sourceforge也是前十位的P2P文件分享程序。
Shareaza的更新内容还有:新的UPnP/ 代码;添加对uTorrent节点来源交换的支持等,详细更新日志见下。
官方下载地址: [3]
Shareaza [4]
Shareaza SSE2 [5]
帮助 | eMule官方 [6] | eMule Fans 电骡爱好者 [7] | [8] | 插件主页 [9] | |
Shareaza_2.5.4.0_Win32.exe [10] 查源 [11] | 6.47MB |
6.47MB 1个文件 |
shareaza皮肤与插件下载: [12]
This lists the major changes between Shareaza v2.5.3.0 r8633 ("Version bumped (non-SSE2).") on June 13, 2010 and v2.5.4.0 r8909 ("Bumped version") on February 12, 2011. There have been a total of 276 revisions during that time.
Note that non-informative log messages, such as "Addition to rXXXX.", "Clean-up." and similar messages have been taken out of the list and sometimes several changes on the same subject have been combined into one statement.
Network support
(New) - Added support for eMule search links i.e. ed2k://|search|text_to_find|/
(Fix) - Fixed error when seeded file uploading via gnutella.
(F) - Fix eD2k download sources not being sorted properly when they update our position in their queue.
(N) - Fix a couple of wrong lengths in download fragment selection.
(F) - Fix too many hits being added to query hit packets. (G2)
(Update) - Advertise all available ranges to G1/2 clients. Optimise range string generation.
(F) - Fix gnutella source exchange sending wrongly formatted sources
(F) - Fix reflecting gnutella sources back to client
(F) - Fix for eD2k & HTTP fragmented file assignment for partial file uploads.
(U) - Added own IP address acquiring on every successful incoming and outgoing connect.
(F) - Fixed Shareaza never updating to GWCs with no hosts. (ticket #99)
(F) - Fixed stuck downloads when many seeding torrents presents.
(F) - Relaxed too strict network anti-hammering protection.
(N) - Implemented new UPnP/NAT port mapping method.
(N) - Implemented UPnP runtime controlling (it restores changed port mappings).
(N) - Added periodic refresh of UPnP port mappings (default 30 minutes, new option "Connection.UPnPRefreshTime").
(U) - Updated Default services files
(F) - Fixed debug assert when Shareaza tries to upload torrent download to non-BitTorrent client.
(N) - Added support for uTorrent Peer Exchange UT PEX. (ivan386) (BitTorrent)
(N) - Added support for tracker exchange ("lt_tex"). (BitTorrent)
(U) - Changed Hub-rating calculation (added free memory bonus, 64-bit bonus, halfed multi-processor bonus).
(U) - Fixed wrong sending of HAW packet on connecting. (G2)
(N) - Added protection against query hammering.
(N) - Added G2_PACKET_RETRY_AFTER-part to query ack packets.
(N) - General.MinTransfersRest option defaulted to 50 ms and enforced.
(U) - Deprecated Bandwidth.HubUploads option, now Hub upload limit set to 50% (when Uploads.HubUnshare option is on).
(F) - Fixed bug that caused some Hubs to not to accept leaf connections and therefore stay at 0 leaves all the time. (So-called 0-leaf bug; ticket #127)
(F) - Fixed false positive torrent encoding error.
(F) - Fixed packet parsing in CChatSession. (G2)
DC++ support
(N) - Implemented limited DC++ support. It can/has:
Connect to DC++ Hubs in active mode
Show all commands in system log
Search for files on Hub
Answer on incoming searches
Upload Library files
Upload Library file list (files.xml.bz2)
Mount file lists as Library collections.
Log DC++ UDP packets
Support for DC++ redirection command ($ForceMove)
Support for DC++ user bad name command ($ValidateDenide)
Some support for the DC++ password command ($GetPass)
Support of DC++ "$ADCGET list" command
Support for download and upload queues
Experimental support for overlapped upload requests
Import "hublist.xml.bz2" files by dropping it to Shareaza or opening them via the Host Cache.
DC++ URL support
(N) - Created "dcfile://" URL handler. Its new nonstandard URL type defines direct DC++ download. Format: "dcfile://HubIP:HubPort/User/TTH:FileTigerTreeRootHash/FileSize/".
(U) - Added "DC++" to vendors cache.
Crash fixes
(F) - Fixed crash caused by bad Italian translation.
(F) - Fixed tray popup crash.
(F) - Fixed crash when bad data found in crash log.
(F) - Fixed Shareaza crash during playing of damaged video.
(F) - Fixed crash during .mp3 ID3 tag parsing with invalid Genre field.
(F) - Fixed crash caused by bad BitTorrent packet.
(F) - Fixed rare crash when user quickly selects views of Library.
(F) - Fixed scheduler crash when "hang-up connection" task found more than one Internet connection.
(F) - Fixed rare crash when library remotely browsed and updated at same time.
(F) - Added workaround for plugin crash on Shareaza exit.
(F) - Workaround for download preview crash on cancel.
(F) - Fixed incoming browse request crash when some Library files were deleted outside Shareaza before that.
Internal and functional changes
(N) - Added /RegServerPerUser and /UnRegServerPerUser command line switches.
(F) - Better handling of unsupported codecs in Shareaza Media Player plugin.
(U) - Optimized library search by hash.
(N) - Added more strict file equality comparison by hash, size and name.
(F) - Fixed a bug that made the job times change within the scheduler if the computer was turned on later than the time at which a specific task had been scheduled.
(U) - Improved GFLReader plugin's image loading process.
(U) - Added faster and more robust way of closing Shareaza during hashing process.
(N) - Added more protection against downloads overload (too many sources, bad settings etc.).
(U) - Enhanced Scheduler shut-down mechanism.
(N) - Added dropped UDP packets debug logging.
(N) - Added new option "Connection.IgnoreOwnUDP" to ignore own datagrams (helps debugging).
(U) - Optimized compressing and decompressing of memory blocks.
(U) - Optimized SQLite interfaces.
(U) - Renamed "Gnutella2.QueryHostThrottle" option to "Gnutella2.QueryThrottle", "eDonkey.QueryServerThrottle" to "eDonkey.QueryThrottle". Removed "Gnutella1.RequeryDelay" option.
(U) - Changed "Connection.EnableUPnP" option default to "true".
(U) - Optimized Security object.
(U) - Updated VirusTotal plugin, uses new API compatible with any browser.
(N) - Added using of delay loaded DLLs.
(U) - Added ogv, webm, oga to audio/video schemas
(N) - Added low I/O priority for some file operations (Transfers, Library Builder, Download Tasks) under Vista and above.
(U) - Optimized download previews.
(F) - Fixed invalid metadata extraction when .mp3-file has empty IDv2.
(F) - Fixed XML parsing for Bitzi. Library.PreferAPETags option deprecated.
(F) - Fixed DocumentReader and RatDVDPlugin plugins. Enforced XML checks.
(U) - Optimized internal metadata builder. Library.ScanMPC option deprecated.
(U) - Added skin images caching (now less memory used).
(U) - Reduced Shareaza start-up time (postponed all starting threads).
(U) - Did some updates to the media player
(U) - Updated default security file (removed .wmv/.wma and private net)
(U) - Updated GeoIP database
(U) - Updated SQlite 3.5.8 -> 3.7.4
(U) - Updated BZip 1.0.5 -> 1.0.6
(U) - Updated Zlib 1.2.3 -> 1.2.5
Graphical / GUI changes
(F) - Fixed Smart Download Preview window which did not close automatically or got stuck sometimes
(F) - Fixed cut lines in IRC Chat Window.
(F) - Fixed IRC window updates when Apply button pressed in Settings dialog.
(U) - Changed option "Settings.IRC.Timestamp" to "on" by default.
(F) - Fixed library files 48x48 icons loading.
(U) - Improved MediaPlayer recovery after codec crash.
(F) - Fix completed downloads being filtered from download control, optimised filtering
(U) - Made hash progress window flexible.
(U) - Changed the way download sources are coloured (colours generated randomly).
(N) - Added interface elements for DC++.
(U) - Added new GUI behavior: "Library" button now switches views between "Folders" and "Organizer" starting from second click.
(N) - Library views now remembers its selected folders.
(U) - Updated Flags. Added country flags to Host Cache window. Fixed bad sized protocol icons of Neighbours Window.
(U) - Patch to show source counts by real source count + alternate source counts in the search results.
(N) - Library now has initial selections as Default Download folder for Folders view and Favorites album for Organizer view.
(N) - Added BitTorrent packet dumps.
(U) - Improved packet dumps.
(U) - Updated lots of stuff on the Scheduler.
(F) - Fixed selection of user media players, now an unlimited number of custom players is supported.
(U) - Unified file execution process, enforced its security, added "too many files" confirmation (for Play Album button).
(N) - Added automatic detection of media players (AIMP2, GOM Player, MPlayer, SMPlayer, etc.).
(U) - Relaxed reaction on skin load error, now in most cases Shareaza agreed to load incomplete skin. Added more skin validation checks.
(N) - Added language file early loading (so command-line options and splash dialog can now be translated too).
(N) - Added Shareaza self-restart on language change.
(N) - Added new command-line option "-wait" - Shareaza will wait for another Shareaza instance exit and then continue execution.
(N) - Added command-line transmission from second Shareaza instance to first (to open files without using DDE for example as FireFox does).
(N) - Host (from Host Cache) now can use DNS-name also (was IP address only).
(N) - Added full-screen application detection to prevent hash window show.
(F) - Fixed tooltip flicker effect. Download and Upload tips made more dynamic.
(N) - Added completed download move indicator.
(U) - Added more detailed Gnutella query statistics: old "Gnutella Local Queries" divided by "Gnutella Incoming Queries" (all incoming packets) and "Gnutella Processed Queries" (good and accepted for feature processing packets).
(U) - Added Shareaza logo to background in Window Mode. Removed all default windows in Window Mode.
(F) - Fixed Neighbours window Time column sorting.
(U) - Updated a lot of icons on various places.
(F) - Fixed and optimized remote interface.
(F) - Fixed Skin colour duplicate calculations.
(F) - Fixed missed Library interface updates when file metadata was changed.
(N) - Added "No Banner" skin to setup.
(F) - Fixed Shareaza internal components and associations registration under limited user and administrative accounts. (Now everyone should be able to see and use all plugins again.)
(N) - Added X-Mas skin.
Updated languages:
(U) - Dutch (roestvrijstaal)
(U) - French (zigozag)
(U) - Russian (raspopov/Ryo-oh-ki)
and last but not least...
(F+N+U) - Fixed lots of minor bugs, made thousands of smaller optimizations ... and got rid of half a million of crashes not named above. Of course, we did also create some new ones, else it wouldn't be fun any more. :)
(F+N+U) - Made lots of smaller changes for VS2010 support
(F) - Fixed lots of compiler warnings
(U) - Updated copyright info in some of our files which did still mention shareaza*com.
(N) - Created new SkinUpdate utility. It can test resources for validity, extract string tables from RC-file and save the result as XML-file.