號稱「邊下載邊觀看」的mod,eMule v0.50a Osp v0.20發布,新版本增加了一個電影JukeBox,能從著名的imdb電影資料庫網站獲取電影信息(當然中國內地可能無法訪問),雖然emule官方早已支持對正下載的多媒體文件的預覽功能多年,並且還支持強大的調用外部程序預覽功能,但是此mod號稱可以實現對視頻文件真正的「邊下載邊觀看」,目前支持MKV, XVID, AVI, RMVB, MP4, 3GP格式的視頻文件。
下載eMule v0.50a Osp v0.20
eMule v0.50a Osp v0.20程序包
Main features:
1, add Movie JukeBox to emule, fetch latest movies information from imdb.com
2, support the most popular files to play online-streaming, including MKV, XVID, AVI, RMVB, MP4, and 3GP video formats
3, play when have small parts(10m or more)
4, seek any where, any time, buffering when seek to unfinished part
5, base on official emule0.5athe project homepage: https://sourceforge….jects/emuleosp/
source code: provided via SVN, HTTP access https://sourceforge….p/emuleosp/code .the most important files is in tree/trunk/srchybrid/pod directory, use shared memory to communicate with player.hope the mod will be useful for somebody, i appreciate any feedback you may have.